ride-through california bankruptcy

Ride-Through Back in Calif Bankruptcy

Ride-Through Back in California Bankruptcy

Ride-through is back in California bankruptcy. This is big news for 2022 and beyond. It restores the right of someone in bankruptcy to be free of personal liability on a car loan in the event of a future default. To be clear, you don’t get a free car in bankruptcy. But if you don’t reaffirm the car debt, and stop paying the car after the bankruptcy discharge resulting in a repo, you won’t owe the deficiency balance.

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Automatic stay and bankruptcy protection

All About the Automatic Stay, the Ultimate Bankruptcy Protection

Table of Contents

All About the Automatic Stay, the Ultimate Bankruptcy Protection

What is the Automatic Stay definition or meaning?

Automatic stay is the bankruptcy protection when a new petition is filed with the court. It protects against starting or continuing any debt collection. It’s a powerful provision, and stops all collection activity, maintaining the status quo on the day the bankruptcy papers are filed. Failure to respect the bankruptcy protection can lead to sanctions against the collecting creditor.

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Remote 341(a) meeting of creditors

Remote 341(a) Meeting & Zoom: What to Expect and How to Prepare

Remote 341(a) Meeting of Creditors by Zoom: What to Expect in 2023

Zoom 341a Meetings, explained by Los Angeles Bankruptcy lawyer

Remote 341(a) Meetings of Creditors by Zoom in bankruptcy are becoming the standard, instead of in-person. Here’s what to expect. They can be terrifying, nerve-wracking, and unpredictable. But there are ways you can prepare for a Zoom 341a Meeting to help it go more smoothly.

As someone who has attended thousands of 341s in person (after coaching my clients with my list of 12 prefiling do’s and don’ts), I answer your 341(a) questions and share with you what to expect at your 341(a) meeting in a post-pandemic world where Zoom 341(a) meetings are more common, and soon becoming the standard.

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tax refund check in hand - chapter 13

Tax Refunds & Returns in Chapter 13

Tax Refunds & Returns in Chapter 13

Can I keep my tax refund in Chapter 13? It depends.

You ask, “can I keep my tax refund in Chapter 13?” Maybe. Chapter 13 tax refunds can be the one thing that sinks a successful bankruptcy case if you keep them. Things are sailing along, and suddenly, things go sideways. Fortunately, there are solutions and ways to fix it and save your case, and ultimately, the discharge you’re working towards.

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sb1099 new california exemptions good news

SB1099: New 2023 California Bankruptcy Exemptions Increase

SB1099: New California Bankruptcy Exemptions Increase for 2023 | 5 Major Wins

SB1099, the new California exemptions increase which gives debtors in bankruptcy more protections, is now law. The new California exemptions for 2023 help people in bankruptcy keep more of their assets, including their cars, their home, money, support pay, and sick leave. The bill was signed by the governor yesterday, and takes effect 1/1/2023.

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fraudulent transfer California

Fraudulent Transfer California: Top Keys

Fraudulent Transfer in California: Top Keys

Fraudulent transfers. Voidable or fraudulent conveyances. They go with these 17 words: “Have you sold, transferred, or given away anything worth more than $3,000 in the last four years?” It’s a 341(a) question bankruptcy attorneys can recite in their sleep, and one that can cause our debtor clients to have nightmares. The reason is the trap known as fraudulent transfers, voidable transfers, fraudulent conveyances, and the like.

Fraudulent transfer in California comes up typically here in Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Also known as a fraudulent conveyance, it can get your friends and family in hot water. It’s one of the top tips recommended to do or avoid before filing bankruptcy. Fraudulent transfer grief can even include the recipient being taken to court in a lawsuit, and forced to give up something they own. It’s terrifying and a nightmare. Worst of all, it can all happen with the purest of intentions.

That’s right: fraudulent conveyance doesn’t even require fraud.  More on that in a bit.

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bankruptcy dos and don'ts

12 Crucial Tips Before Filing Bankruptcy

12 Crucial Tips to Do (and Avoid) Before Filing Bankruptcy

Los Angeles Bankruptcy lawyer explains what to do and don’t before seeking a fresh start

If you’re thinking about filing bankruptcy, what you do you beforehand has more of a bearing on the success of your case than how well the papers are completed. As a longtime Los Angeles bankruptcy attorney, I must make the best of the circumstances that are presented to me. Sometimes these situations are, shall we say, less than ideal.

What follows, in no particular order, are just some of the things I wish the people I meet with had done, or avoided doing, before we met for the consultation.

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chapter 13 bankruptcy in los angeles

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Ultimate Guide

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy – the Ultimate Guide

What is Chapter 13 bankruptcy? Chapter 13 bankruptcy is like debt consolidation, but better. It’s a solution for people who have some money to pay some of their debts back. In five years from now, paying minimums on all your debt, you’d still owe much of your debt. It’s because of that darned interest, and you’re barely paying principle. Chapter 13 bankruptcy fixes the interest problem.

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chapter 7 bankruptcy los angeles

The Ultimate Guide to Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Explained

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy – The Ultimate Guide

What is Chapter 7 bankruptcy? Glad you asked. It’s for someone who can’t repay their debts, because their income is low enough that they can’t afford to. However, not everyone qualifies for this out of the different chapters of bankruptcy, and even if you did qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you could lose assets. There’s always some element of risk in a Chapter 7, which is why I put together this: the ultimate Chapter 7 bankruptcy guide.

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bankruptcy attorney

3 Reasons You Need a Bankruptcy Attorney

3 Reasons Why You Need a Bankruptcy Attorney

Technically, you don’t need a bankruptcy attorney. But going through this process without one is crazy, and the few pennies saved can cost you your bank account, car, or house. To help explain, here are five reasons why you should retain a Los Angeles bankruptcy lawyer.  (Specifically, one who’s been voted best bankruptcy attorney four times and chosen by L.A. bankruptcy lawyers to be President twice).

1. Bankruptcy lawyers can give legal advice

Trust a licensed lawyer.

Sure, you can have a paralegal prepare your documents. But that’s all they can do. They cannot practice law, and cannot even tell you whether you should do a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13. Only a lawyer (and preferably a bankruptcy attorney) can give legal advice.  Sometimes, legal document assistants give advice, and they’re violating California law.

Only a bankruptcy attorney who has passed the California Bar can give you legal advice. There are lots of people who didn’t pass the bar who claim to know as much as a lawyer. But legally, without a bar license, they’re only allowed to type the information you give them. You are completing the papers yourself, and they just take what you say and type it up. They may offer to do more, but now they’re veering into practice of law territory. And if they’re wrong, you have no one to complain to. They’re not accountable for their mistakes and innocent consumer debtors get burned.

A bankruptcy attorney, not a dabbler.

Once you’ve decided to retain an attorney for your debt solution, you don’t want just any lawyer. You will want a legal professional skilled and experienced in this very specialized field of law.  Not just anyone, but a bankruptcy attorney.

Just because a counsel files bankruptcy cases doesn’t make them a bankruptcy lawyer any more than riding in an airplane a dozen times makes you a pilot. There are lots of attorney dabblers out there who will file bankruptcy cases. They’ll also take car accident cases, divorce and custody matters, and then help you plan your will and living trust. But they lack the experience and insight to stay focused on the changes (and danger spots) of this narrow field of law.

At Los Angeles Bankruptcy, I only file bankruptcy cases, and have stayed focused as a laser beam on this field for two decades. When the law changed in 2005, a lot of bankruptcy lawyers fled the field or diversified taking on dog bite cases or whatever because things became slow. I kept doing only bankruptcy. When the housing crisis and Great Recession came in 2009, I got busy, and saw a flood of new dabblers trying to make a buck off the disaster.

When the economy recovered in the years after 2014, bankruptcy filings went down, but I remained specialized on just bankruptcy. Now that COVID and lockdowns wrecked havoc with the economy in 2021, the future is uncertain. But what is certain is that I continue to practice bankruptcy cases, and only bankruptcy cases. I’ve helped thousands of people and discharged over $50,000,000 in credit card debt. This dedication is what makes a bankruptcy attorney, and is what you want. There are just a handful of us in Los Angeles. I’m one of them, and would like to help you, too.


2. It’s affordable with a payment plan

Affordable payment plan

A good Los Angeles bankruptcy lawyer has an affordable payment plan. This is how we’ve been able to stay in business for two decades, helping people who don’t have a lot of money.  When you consider that you’re going to discharge tens of thousands of dollars of debt, paying a skilled professional a fraction of that is smart insurance.

You are able to file bankruptcy on your own to try to save a few bucks. But at what long-term cost? “It’s just forms!” Many people who try to do all their own forms end up having their cases dismissed, and maybe have to wait 6 months or more to file again, even if they want an attorney to help them. In the meantime, all their bills and debts and creditors can call again at home and at work or even sue or foreclose.

Protecting your assets

And even if the bankruptcy case you file yourself doesn’t get dismissed, you have to worry about whether the bankruptcy trustee can take some of your stuff. You can try to research yourself exemptions and whether you can use a wildcard and homestead, but it can be confusing. And again, a paralegal can’t help you with bankruptcy exemptions because that’s practicing law without a license.

A skilled bankruptcy lawyer can advise you before you even file your case what risk you may have. Then, in preparing to file, can take steps to minimize any exposure or risk you’ll lose things by properly filling out exemptions.

And while you might think, “how hard can this be?” There’s still a lot of confusion among bankruptcy attorneys about the California homestead exemption, the L.A. County median home sale price, and gotchas on how to lose the homestead exemption.  There are tons of ins and outs, nooks and crannies, and one wrong step and you lose your house. Trust a professional with your valuables. Otherwise, you’re literally betting your house.

3. We’re respected by peers and appreciated by clients

So you’ve reviewed bankruptcy FAQ, learned about the types of bankruptcies,  know you need to file bankruptcy and now decided to retain a bankruptcy lawyer. But now you just need to find someone that can trust. A lawyer who specializes in consumer debt to help you with something that will shape your financial life for years to come.

Respected by other bankruptcy lawyers

We are humbled to have been chosen by some of the best Los Angeles bankruptcy attorneys to be President of the cdcbaa, the largest association of consumer debt lawyers in Southern California. Then after guiding the organization through the COVID chaos, Hale Andrew Antico was elected President for a second term in 2021, and continues to serve on its board of directors. Mr. Antico doesn’t just attend continuing legal education webinars, he hosts and moderates the panels attended by other bankruptcy lawyers.

Prior to leading cdcbaa, Mr. Antico was selected by his peers and bankruptcy judges and trustees to be President of the Southern California Bankruptcy Inn of Court. This is an organization of bankruptcy judges, bankruptcy trustees, and of course debt lawyers. The Inn of Court’s focus is on elevating the practice of law with presentations while also building relationships between the different groups of members above

Appreciated by clients

Hale Antico was honored to be voted best bankruptcy lawyer in local newspapers not once or twice, but four times.  This shows a level of trust and appreciation by clients who know the level of service we provide.

Further, we are blessed to receive so many 5-star reviews on Yelp and Google.  This is important when trying to find an attorney not only skilled and experienced in this nuanced specialty, but with the care and compassion for what can be an emotional decision and process.

Summing Up

In short, you want not just an attorney, but a bankruptcy lawyer to help you with a confusing maze-like procedure.  You’re also going to want someone with an affordable payment plan, who is able to protect your assets so you don’t lose things in the bankruptcy. And finally, you want someone who is respected by other Los Angeles bankruptcy attorneys, and appreciated by the thousands of clients he’s helped for twenty years.

The choice is simple: Hale Andrew Antico of Los Angeles Bankruptcy .net. I’d be honored to have the opportunity to help you.


Contact us

For most people, it really pays to contact a lawyer who knows this area. You get what you pay for. Don’t delay: set up a consultation with an affordable bankruptcy lawyer and let us help you now.