cdcbaa Moderator Hale Antico Hosts Chapter 13 Trustee Panel

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cdcbaa Moderator Hale Antico Hosts Panel for Chapter 13 Trustees

Program focuses on Variances, Particularly in the Age of Covid

Post-Seminar Update: It was a fun, two-hour cdcbaa program, and the Chapter 13 trustees’ attorneys were very open with their policies. For instance, the panel shared a lot of information in an engaging format. Also, one of the trustee lawyers said it helped to have them share information; they learned a more efficient way to do things. Finally, the bankruptcy lawyer attendees were very involved, asking questions and even bantering with the Chapter 13 trustees’ lawyers.

chapter 13 antico
Chapter 13 Trustees’ Counsel Share A Lighter Moment with cdcbaa President Attorney Antico

Hale Andrew Antico has been keeping busy being a cdcbaa moderator or host of the bankruptcy association programs. On 9/18/2021, cdcbaa President Hale Andrew Antico will moderate a panel with attorneys for Los Angeles bankruptcy Chapter 13 trustees.  The two-hour talk will focus on policy changes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Further, the focus will be ontrustee variances between the offices. This will help bankruptcy attorneys know how to best work with each respective office.

The cdcbaa is the largest local association of bankruptcy attorneys representing debtors in the nation. Mr. Antico is Chair of the Chapter 13 Committee for the cdcbaa.

Chapter 13 Trustees and cdcbaa Coordination

In March 2020, the coronavirus pandemic started causing quarantines and lockdowns. Many people in Chapter 13 bankruptcies couldn’t continue making their payments. This caused a lot of concern. This caused the Chapter 13 trustees to have to adjust their policies. The trustees’ offices started developing policies about suspending payments, or keeping tax refunds. That’s the good news.

See also  Chapter 13 Debt Limits (2024 update)

The challenge came from each trustee’s office doing things differently. The policies were difficult to track.  So, one benefit of a free-ranging panel discussion is to learn which office expects what. Consequently, This will allow attorneys to better anticipate what’s needed or expected. Also, it will make the trustee’s offices operate more efficiently.

During the two years as president of the group of Los Angeles bankruptcy attorneys, Hale Antico has hosted over a dozen webinars. These information sessions have featured prominent bankruptcy lawyers, trustees, and judges. As cdcbaa moderator, Mr. Antico also takes questions from the group’s members, and tries to stir helpful discussion.

If you’re not a member of cdcbaa, you can buy tickets for Saturday’s program from the lawyers’ association website.