Bankruptcy can get rid of various types of debts. Each one is treated differently in bankruptcy. We see many types of debts. If you’re here researching a bankruptcy, you likely have one or more. Read on, then let us help.
Table of Contents
Wage Garnishment – I Found My Wages Garnished
Wage garnishment leaves you very little time to act before your paycheck gets hit. They can take up to 25% of your takehome pay, and you need to act fast.
Read MoreCredit Card Debt and Bankruptcy
Credit card debt is the most common type of debt people like you have and carry. It is typically discharged in a bankruptcy, with a few exceptions.
Read MoreCreditor Harassment
Creditor harassment is usually one of the biggest factors that can push someone to finally file bankruptcy, because once filed, you're protected immediately.
Read MoreBankruptcy House Information
Bankruptcy and your home. Houses can often be protected; other times bankruptcy can help you catch up on lates. Read more bankruptcy house info.
Read MoreCar Repossession Law
Car repossession is one of the types of debt that filing bankruptcy helps with. Not the repo itself, but the aftermath with the deficiency balance.
Read MoreStudent Loans & Bankruptcy: What to Know
Student loans and bankruptcy: Generally, student loans are not dischargeable under any chapter of the Bankruptcy Code. There are some ways it can help.
Read MoreTax debt and bankruptcy
Tax debt and bankruptcy: can taxes get discharged in bankruptcy? Sometimes, and other times, you can get a payment plan to repay them and finally be free.
Read MoreLawsuits and Bankruptcy
Can bankruptcy stop a lawsuit? Once you've been hit with a lawsuit summons, it's time to understand the play between lawsuits, bankruptcy, and judgments.
Read MoreBusiness Bankruptcy
What is a business bankruptcy, and can businesses even file bankruptcy? Yes, and it's where corporations or other entities file a case and obtain a discharge.
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