Category: Bankruptcy News

Bankruptcy news about recent developments in the area of insolvency law, both in the process and about new cases and changes in bankruptcy law itself.

Sworn in President Hale Antico

Hale Andrew Andrew To Lead CDCBAA, Los Angeles Bankruptcy Lawyers

Hale Andrew Andrew To Lead CDCBAA, Los Angeles Bankruptcy Lawyers

Los Angeles bankruptcy attorney Hale Andrew Antico was named president of one of the nation’s largest groups of bankruptcy lawyers in late 2019. 2021 Update: Attorney Antico was honored to be chosen by some of the top attorneys in Los Angeles to lead this prestigious bankruptcy lawyers’ association for a second term.

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Woman Facing Jail

Woman Facing Jail for Bankruptcy Fraud

A woman in Michigan recently pled guilty to bankruptcy fraud. Wait, jail? Bankruptcy is just forms, right? Just before filing bankruptcy, she had received a $12,000 workers’ compensation award. She, then made it disappear. After that, she lied about the whole thing. Now she faces five years in prison, $250,000 fine, or both.

When you file bankruptcy, you’re signing a stack of papers under oath. You’ll then be asked, under penalty of perjury, whether they list all your assets, income, and about any recent transfers. The wrong answer, a lie, could land you in jail for bankruptcy fraud.

The sad kicker is this: in California, this likely could’ve been avoided. All she has to do was everything disclosed everything. With a good bankruptcy attorney, it could then properly exempted. She’d be free today, enjoying her discharge and money.

She only had to tell the truth to her bankruptcy lawyer. Then, she needed to be honest in the bankruptcy papers. a good Los Angeles bankruptcy attorney could have exempted the award, and she’d have it to spend when the bankruptcy is over.

By trying to save a few bucks on maybe the best bankruptcy lawyer, she’ll not only lose $12,000, but maybe twenty times that, and her freedom.

Contact me today for a consultation, and let’s guide you to a honest fresh start.